Creating Technical SEO Boards and Dashboards

Lumar Monitor provides dashboards to help you easily spot spikes or trends in accessibility issues across multiple sites or important sections of your site.

You can view a 'How To' tour by clicking on the gif below or read on for step-by-step instructions on how to create Dashboards in Monitor.

Animation showing screenshots of the how to product tour for creating dashboards.

Once you’ve logged into Lumar Monitor, click ‘New’ at the top left of your screen.

Screenshot of a Lumar Monitor dashboard with the new board button highlighted in the top of the screen, on the left hand side.

You’ll now see the ‘Create new board’ screen where you can give your new board a name. Underneath this you’ll see:

  • Available views on the left hand side, which displays all of the views available across the whole account, filterable by project name or domain, segment name and crawl frequency. ‘All URLs’ indicates the entire project (i.e. no segment selected) whereas segment views will have the name of the segment indicated.
  • Selected views on the right and side, which shows the specific views you have chosen to use in this board and any of its dashboards.

Screenshot of the Lumar Monitor create dashboard screen, with the options to set a name, and choose the views that will appear in the board highlighted. It also shows the ability to add all URLs as a view, or a specific segment.

To select a view, simply click on the ‘Add’ button to move it from the available views list to the selected views list. By default, all views selected in the board settings will display on new dashboards, but you’ll be able to customize this later.

After you select your desired views, click on “Next” at the top right of your page. 

You’ll then see an option to choose a template. These have pre-set metrics that you can use to get started and customize rather than building a dashboard from scratch, to help save you time and quickly get up and running with Monitor.

The templates available are as follows:

Dashboard Type Description Columns Top Graph
Link Health Overview of link health issues across a group of sites.

Broken Pages (4xx Errors)

5xx Errors

Broken JS/CSS

Broken Sitemap Links

Error Pages with Backlinks

All Broken Redirects

Broken Pages (4xx Errors)
Redirects Overview of redirect issues across a group of sites.

All Redirects

301 Redirects


All Broken Redirects

Redirect loops

Redirect chains

All Redirects
Canonicals Overview of canonical issues across a group of sites.

Pages without canonical

Canonical to non-200

Canonicalized and no-indexed

Conflicting canonical tags

Rendered canonical mismatch

Orphaned canonical pages

Pages without Canonical
Sitemap Hygiene Overview of sitemap hygiene issues across a group of sites.

Pages in Sitemaps

Pages not in sitemaps

Broken Sitemap Links

Non-Indexable URLs in sitemaps

Disallowed/Malformed URLs in Sitemaps

Broken/Disallowed Sitemaps

XML Sitemaps
Content Overview of technical content issues across a group of sites.

Missing H1 Tags

Duplicate Pages

Empty Pages

Missing Titles

Duplicate Titles

Missing description

Short description

Pages with Duplicate Descriptions

Pages with Duplicate Body

Missing H1 Tags
Performance Overview of key metrics indicating speed and UX across a group of sites.

Poor CLS

Slow Time to First Byte

Slow FCP

Slow LCP

Slow DCL

Slow TTI

Poor CLS

If Health Scores are part of your plan, you can now easily monitor them across your entire portfolio of websites, all in one place. This helps you direct your attention to where it matters most so you can prioritize effectively. Monitor allows you to create a Health Scores dashboard to give you a high-level overview of each of your websites’ technical health over these important areas:

  • Overall accessibility score
  • Availability
  • Indexability
  • Uniqueness
  • Discoverability
  • Rankability
  • Experience

You can also add subcategory health scores into your dashboards, to focus on specific areas as needed. The subcategory templates available are for Indexability, Discoverability, Rankability and Experience.

To select a particular template, just click into the box on the left of the template you want to use. The list of reports included in the template will then populate on the right side of the screen.

Screenshot of the Lumar Monitor create dashboard view, showing the option to choose a template to create a new dashboard.

Once you have selected the templates you want to use, click ‘Create board’ in the top right hand corner of the screen. 

Once you have multiple dashboards created, you can drag and drop your Monitor boards in the left hand navigation, so you can keep the most important at the top of your list. To reorder the boards, simply hover your mouse over the board name so you see the hand icon, click and drag to its new position. Please note that the board order will be reflected across all users in the account.

Animated gif showing a user dragging and dropping a Monitor board into a new position in the left hand navigation.

To customize each dashboard, the “selected views” options allow you to show or hide views from the list selected in the board settings. Once this has been set, you can then choose which of the views you’ll see in the top graph.

Screenshot of Lumar Monitor, showing the 'selected views' button, where you can choose which views appear in the dashboard.

Screenshot of the Lumar Monitor dashboard, showing the dashboard view options, and the ability to select which views appear in the dashboard.

With each dashboard, you’ll see the trend lines for each metric and each project. As new scheduled crawls complete in the platform, the data will become available in Monitor. Within each cell, you’ll see the following information:

Screenshot of a Lumar Monitor dashboard cell showing the metric being displayed and a trend chart over time, as well as the metrics described below.

  1. The total number of pages in the last crawl for the relevant metric.
  2. The absolute change in the number of pages compared with the previous crawl.
  3. The % of difference in pages compared to the previous crawl.

Clicking on the relevant trend graph will take you to the corresponding report in Analyze.