Except for projects run with stealth crawl enabled or a regional IP selected, all requests for an account will be made from a single IP address, either or
The specific IP used for an account will be shown any project's Crawler IP Settings in Advanced Settings.
Regional IP Addresses
When you select a regional IP in the crawl settings, we will rotate through all the IPs listed for that country.
These proxies are data centre IPs, which means they are virtual servers in data centres in the various countries, which we then use to route our requests through so it appears that our requests are originating from these countries.
The specific IP addresses used for each region can be provided on request, but may change over time.
Stealth Crawl IP Addresses
Stealth crawls are run on a pool of 500 IPs across all regions. The IPs are not exclusive to Lumar and may be used for other services.
Domain Check
The domain check function used on step 1 of project settings does not use default IPs but will be an AWS IP address from the US East (Northern Virginia) Region. e.g. or