Lumar allows you to integrate your Adobe Analytics data into a crawl, to gain unique insights and identify issues with traffic driving pages.
Connecting via 0Auth
When setting up Adobe Analytics in Lumar using 0Auth, you will need to generate server-to-server credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) on the Adobe Developer Console. Follow the steps in this documentation to generate this information.
Once you have completed these steps, go to Step 2 in the crawl setup (sources), click on the Analytics section and then Adobe Analytics, and click Add Adobe Account to enter these details and connect your account.
Connecting via JWT
As mentioned above, the JWT method is being deprecated by Adobe (we expect in June 2025), so the instructions below are for reference purposes only, for existing custom connections.
When setting up Adobe Analytics in Lumar using JWT, please be aware that you will need to:
- Create a JWT (JSON Web Token) for your Adobe Analytics Project (see below).
- Add the JWT information to your Lumar account. This can be done through the crawl setup in Step 2.
Once the Adobe account is connected to Lumar, you will need to ensure that Adobe Analytics is selected in step 2 of the crawl setup, for all crawls you want to pull in analytics information. You will also need to select the relevant date range and visit limits for your crawl.
Creating the JWT in Adobe Developer
In the Adobe Developer Console, click Create New Project in the top right corner of the screen.
In the project creation, add an API connection.
Select Adobe Analytics from the options available.
You'll then need to create a key pair, using the 'generate keypair' option in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Once created, you will get a message to say that the keypair has been generated and downloaded. You can navigate to your file explorer and the downloaded file should be called '' when that is unzipped, you'll see two files - certificate_pub.crt and private.key.
Once you have confirmed that the file has downloaded OK. You can click 'save configured API' in the bottom right of the screen.
Once the API is saved, you should be able to navigate to the Service Account (JWT) section, where you'll see the additional details that you will need to add to Lumar - Client ID, Client Secret, Technical Account ID and Organization ID.