Sitemap Link Limits Increased
Release Date: May 29th 2024
We previously limited the total number of URLs processed from Sitemaps to 30 million, including both URLs in loc tags and URLs found in links (hreflangs and mobile alternates). This could have resulted in some URLs not being crawled where the total number found exceeded 30m. We now have a separate limit of 15m URLs in loc tags, and 50m hreflang or mobile alternate links. You may see an increase in URLs crawled if your projects were affected by the previous limits.
All Reports & Errors View Improvements
Release Date: May 23rd 2024
We’ve improved the All Reports and Errors views, so you can now add, remove and reorder columns, and sort by any of the columns shown. Changes are stored in local storage, so will be remembered when you revisit the page, but won’t change things for other users. This means you now sort by changes in All Reports and Errors to see which reports are showing the biggest changes. As this makes the Changes tab unnecessary, we’ve removed that.
This is in place for both SEO and accessibility crawls, and will feature in our upcoming site speed (Lighthouse) crawls. With this change, we’ve also updated the changes chart on dashboards, which will now navigate to All Pages with reports automatically sorted by the largest change.
Sitemap Links for Uncrawled URLs Were Not Dropped
Release Date: May 20th 2024
A bug has been fixed where hreflang and mobile alternate links found in Sitemaps were reported as non-reciprocal when the pages where not crawled due to crawl limits. You may see a reduction in the number of alternate links reported, and a reduction in false positive errors in the following reports in crawls that were affected.
- Non-Reciprocal Mobile/AMP
- All Non-Reciprocated Hreflang Links
- Pages with Non-Reciprocated Hreflang Links
Copy Monitor Alert Rules to Multiple Projects
Release Date: May 8th 2024
While previously you could only copy Monitor alert rules to one project at a time, now you can copy to multiple projects in one go. This will help speed up the creation of new alerts for different projects.
To copy the alerts across, click on the alerts icon in the very left-hand navigation (the bell) and then click on Manage Alerts in the top right corner.
In the resulting screen, choose the project in the left navigation that you want to copy the alerts from. Click the ‘Copy alert to…’ button in the top right of the screen.
Use the checkboxes to then choose which projects you want to copy the alerts to. If any existing projects have alerts set up, you’ll see this indicated. If you’re copying an alert rule into a project that already has that rule, it will be overwritten with the new details. Any other alert rules that had been set up, will remain.
Once you’re happy, click continue and you’ll see a progress screen to show that the alerts are being copied. Once this is complete, you’ll get confirmation that the alerts have been successfully copied across. If any alerts cannot be copied for any reason (for example, if you’ve run out of alert rules) then you’ll get a notification of which projects the alerts could not be copied to.
As always, we’re keen to hear your feedback to help us improve the Lumar platform. You can do this very easily by clicking on the smiley face in the bottom left-hand corner of any of our apps.